My Story
Growing up I lived my life in a constant state of performance, always trying to win the approval of everyone around me. I grew up craving stability, warmth, and acceptance—things that were not necessarily available at home.
So, I tried to find them elsewhere.
I became the girl who craved belonging and the person everyone could count on to say yes.
Yes to plans I wasn’t really interested in. Yes to bending over backward, even when it felt like my own needs and desires were disappearing into the background.
As I got older, my habit of people-pleasing only grew stronger. I wasn’t just trying to be liked; I was trying to prove that I was worthy of attention and admiration. Putting others needs ahead of my own was the norm—so much that I started to barely even recognise myself. ​​​

But here’s the thing: from the outside, my life looked great. I was in a stable, loving relationship, owned a house, and had a solid career in healthcare with plenty of room for growth. But on the inside, I was struggling.
I felt as though I was just drifting through life, watching each day slip by without any real purpose or direction. Everyone else’s life and opinions mattered more than my own. To be honest I was exhausted, and secretly unhappy.
I knew, deep down, that there was more to life than this. But I didn’t know where to begin. Every time I thought about changing things, a voice inside me said, “What if you lose people and they don’t like the new you?” It was that fear and lack of confidence in myself that kept me stuck.
Then one day, after another work shift that left me feeling unfulfilled and exhausted, I realised I couldn’t bare to keep this up.
I craved a life that felt authentic, one where I could follow my own vision and desires.
I knew it was time to hit pause, and reset everything.
I’d always dreamt of travelling, and exploring someplace where no one knew me. Where I did not have to adhere to other peoples expectations. This thought was both exciting and terrifying.
But I took that leap. I left my job, the so-called stability I’d been clinging onto, and booked a one-way ticket to Southeast Asia with my partner.
& for six months, I travelled a place in the world that was far from my everyday reality. It was the first time in my life that I had no one to impress and no obligations to anyone but myself.

I was free to explore not only the world around me but also who I really was at my core.
Being away gave me the space to reflect on my choices. This is when I realised something powerful: I began to understand how much of my life—up until now—had been shaped by invisible limitations I’d placed on myself—limits born from a fear of conflict, lack of confidence, and an endless need for approval.
With this new realisation, I took the plunge and invested in something I’d never prioritised before: myself.
I enrolled in a life coaching course, focusing on understanding my own internal struggles and how they had been holding me back.
Through this process, I identified and overcome my self-imposed barriers that had limited me for so long (The need for External Validation, Low Self-Worth and the disconnection from my own dreams), and for the first time, I could see a clear path toward a life that truly felt right for me.
When I returned to the UK. I decided I no longer wanted to settle for a life that didn’t align with my values, or that didn’t fulfil me.
So I made some huge changes. I sold my house, left my job, and began building a life that felt like my own.
Today, I feel a real sense of freedom that comes with no longer having to please others.
I finally have the confidence to truly be myself, to make choices that feel right for me without the weight of others expectations.
I only say "yes" to the invitations that genuinely excite me, which has opened up so much space in my life for growth and happiness.

I surround myself with people I can truly call friends—who value me for who I am, not for what I can do for them.
I can proudly say that I am finally living authentically and for the first time ever, I feel present in my life. A life where I am driven by my own values and dreams.
And now, I get to share this journey with other women, helping them break free, find their confidence, and create a life that’s truly their own.
Whilst I’ve grown and changed, the memory of that old me—the version who once felt held back by judgment and expectations of others—keeps me rooted in who I am today. It’s what drives me to help others get clear on what they really want, and to break through the barriers they might not even realise they’ve set for themselves.
If my story resonates with you, if you feel like you’re living for everyone else and not fully for yourself, know that there is another way.
I wish I had support and guidance sooner. So, I have cleared a few hours in my calendar to chat to you. This is a chance for us to work together and dig deep into what’s been holding you back. We’ll uncover your limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, identify your true values, and begin the journey toward a life that is your own.
You deserve a life that feels just as good on the inside, as it looks on the outside. Let’s find the real you and create the life you’ve been waiting for. Book your 60 minute complimentary discovery session today, your dream life is waiting for you.